The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) and Biocom, the association representing the California life science industry, have announced a joint partnership to collaboratively produce The Digital MedTech Conference 2020. In combining Biocom’s DeviceFest and Digital Health Conference with AdvaMed’s Digital MedTech Conference, the single event will highlight the evolving digital medtech landscape and explore trends impacting the industry, all while bringing together key leaders from California and beyond.
Senior Vice President, Business Development, Corza Health
Mark Gardner adds 30+ years of executive leadership and scientific expertise to Corza Health. Mark works closely with Corza’s partners to formulate growth and integration plans, while also staying ahead of scientific and macroeconomic trends. Mark’s expertise includes life science research, molecular diagnostics, precision medicine, bioinformatics, and healthcare information technology.
Mark most recently served as CEO at OmniSeq, a molecular diagnostics spinout from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, where he successfully grew the company’s revenues over 4x. He also completed a strategic partnership with LabCorp that resulted in investment capital and nationwide distribution of OmniSeq’s next-generation sequencing testing services.
Previously, Mark served as General Manager of several business segments at Thermo Fisher Scientific and Life Technologies, including the Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing franchise, the Animal Health and Food Safety division, the genetic analysis division, and the molecular biology essentials business. Mark led the due diligence efforts for Invitrogen to purchase Applied Biosystems (the merged company was rebranded as Life Technologies), Ion Torrent, and a variety of other businesses.
Prior to transitioning to the life sciences industry, Mark held management positions at GE Healthcare, McKinsey, and was a pilot in the United States Navy.
Mark holds a Bachelor’s in History from the United States Naval Academy, a Master’s of Business Administration (with Palmer Scholar Distinction) from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master’s in National Security Studies from Georgetown University.
Mark spent most of his childhood in Pittsburgh, PA and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He enjoys trail running, adventure travel with family, and smoking ribs and briskets.